Let’s talk matter

What started with a cup of coffee out of pure interest in each others work became - now 3 years later - a still growing and fun collaboration we named Merging Matter. 

Merging Matter
Natasja van der Meer is a ceramist with a wonderful aesthetic eye. She is specialised in working with local clay and glazes from natural materials such as plants, shells and stones. As you might know by now I mostly work with local wood and at my core I love to tell a good story, connecting past and present. Both designer/makers, we find we reinforce each other in our love for craft and character of handmade objects at the interface of art and design.

Cairns Collection
The result are objects inspired by people and nature like our Cairns Collection. A synergy of two materials - clay and wood - enhanced by our individual intuitive handwriting. The wooden elements are solid, the clay elements are hollow and can be used as vases. As Merging Matter we design and craft abstract and/or functional objects for architects, interior designers, restaurants and private individuals.

Take a look

TERROIR for Fundamental Restaurant
Designing handcrafted tableware for Fundamental Restaurant in Rotterdam this year was an absolute highlight. Based on their finedining concept, we made different sets to complement their terroir cuisine: SEA, DUNE, SALT MARSH, POLDER, RIVER and FOREST. Structured and coloured with local/natural material per terroir to support, enhance and elevate the gastronomic experience when finedining at Fundamental Restaurant. 

Take a look

Table: @fundamental.objects
Tableware: @merging_matter_atelier
Photography: @michelemargotphoto

Royal Botanica
We are also both part of Botanical Tales Collective. This collective of 6 artists has it’s 2nd exposition - Layers of Time - at Paleis Soestdijk next year. We are in the midst of making new work - Royal Botanica - inspired by nature surrounding the palace and made of unique material of the estate! Let us know if you want to receive an invite for the opening on March 30, 14-17 PM

Website: mergingmatter.nl
Instagram: @merging_matter_atelier
Email: marisa@mergingmatter.nl

‘We gaan samen iets maken’

Dat was eind 2018. Twee bevlogen houtdraaiers/ontwerpers - Suzan Doornbos en ik - planden een eerste weekend om te brainstormen. Eerst in Nijmegen waar Suzan werkt in haar atelier in de Smeltkroes. Daarna in Rotterdam waar ik mijn werkplaats heb. En zo volgden er meer. Nijmegen. Rotterdam. Nijmegen... Schetsen, modellen draaien en testen. Vaak maakten we grote stappen. Soms moesten we een stap terug zetten. En nu is het zo ver. Repeat is een feit.

repeat is een collectie producten ontworpen vanuit één basisvorm. Door deze te stapelen ontstaan er verrassende objecten. Beide handschriften zijn hierin verenigd. Suzan houdt van eenvoud, minimalistisch design en kunstobjecten. Mijn werk is altijd functioneel – voor op tafel of in huis – en van een stoere elegantie.

klaster x doornbos presenteert vol trots de eerste producten: de trommel, het potje met deksel en de eierset met peper- en zoutvaatje.

To be repeated...